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News; Philosophy; Science (General); Communication and Journalism; General and Reference Works
A multidisciplinary database which provides full-text for over 4,650 scholarly publications, more than 3,600 of them peer-reviewed. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study. Abstracts and indexing provided for 8,200 journals in the collection. Coverage is from 1965 to the present.
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library.duke.edu + 1 more source
Communication and Journalism; Economics and Business; Feminist Studies
Presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Concentrates on five main subject areas: radio, television, transportation, beauty and hygiene, and World War II, providing a view of a number of major campaigns and companies through images preserved in the J. Walter Thompson Company Competitive Advertisements Collection of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History in Duke University's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library.
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Communication and Journalism
The AdViews digital collection provides access to thousands of historic commercials created for clients or acquired by the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) advertising agency or its predecessor during the 1950s - 1980s. This collection may be searched by keyword or browsed under the headings of company, title, or subject. The site includes a ten-question quiz about television advertising from the 50s, 60s, and 70s along with expert video interviews discussing the AdViews project, television commercials, and the DMB&B agency. From this Duke University libraries site, there is access to their additional extensive digital collections. AdViews is a collaborative project between the Digital Collections Program and the Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History, as well as a number of other groups, at Duke University.
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News; Communication and Journalism; Race and Ethnicity; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies; American History; General and Reference Works; Language
Full text database of selected newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative and independent press.
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Communication and Journalism; News; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Film and Media Studies
AP Images is one of the world's largest collections of historical and contemporary imagery, with a 50 million-image print and negative archive. As an essential source of photographs and graphics for professional image buyers, AP Images strives to meet the needs of today's global customer through superior image quality, selection and service. Covers the major news events photographed from the 1840s to today.
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Art, Architecture and Design; General and Reference Works; Communication and Journalism
Arts & humanities citation index (Compact disc ed.)
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » Z5937 .A8B in-library use only
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Communication and Journalism; Language
Database contains abstracts of articles published in the primary professional literature of the communications field.
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Communication and Journalism
Offers information from over 600 journals in communication, mass media and related fields; includes abstracts, indexing, bibliographical citations and author profiles, as well as full text from more 240 titles.
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Communication and Journalism; Film and Media Studies; Language
Includes the full-text of 16 journals published by SAGE and participating societies, some journals going back twenty years, encompassing over 4,200 articles. It covers such subjects as Journalism, Public Opinion, Political Communication, Mass Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Cultural Studies / Intercultural Communication, Television / Film Studies, Media Studies, Business Communication, Organizational / Management Communication, Written Communication, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies. The searchable database consists of bibliographic records (indexed summaries or abstracts) as well as the complete text of each journal article. Every bibliographic record in the Collection links to the appropriate full-text in PDF format.
Communication studies (Online : Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
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American History; Communication and Journalism; Government Information: United States; Political Science
The latest news pertaining to activites in Congress, Congressional bills, committees, and a directory of member of Congress, searchable by keywords, bill numbers, and topics. Committee reports, bills, and schedules of future hearings may be retrieved.
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www.izi-datenbank.de + 1 more source
Film and Media Studies; Education; Communication and Journalism
Database on children's television, youth television andeducational television in the German-speaking context. Contains more than 20,000 international references and links to full-text documents and online information.
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American History; Communication and Journalism; Government Information: United States; General and Reference Works
The database ranges from the years immediately following World War II, when declassified documents were first made widely available, through the 1970s. Nearly every major foreign and domestic event of these years is covered: the Cold War, Vietnam, foreign policy shifts, the civil rights movement, and others.
Search database:
American History; Communication and Journalism; Government Information: United States
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Education; Mathematical Sciences; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Communication and Journalism; General and Reference Works
Ph. D. dissertations and selected masters theses with abstracts from 1861 to the present.
Dissertation abstracts (Online)
Search database:
search.proquest.com + 4 more sources
Education; Communication and Journalism; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; African Studies
"The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature. ERIC, established in 1966, is supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and the National Library of Education" -- FAQ page.
Search database:
History; American History; Political Science; Language; Communication and Journalism; News; Race and Ethnicity; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies
Full text articles from newspapers and periodicals published by the ethnic, minority and native press in the U.S. Coverage is from 1960 to date.
Search database:
American History; Government Information: United States; Communication and Journalism; Political Science
The National Institute on Money in State Politics states it is the only nonpartisan, nonprofit organization revealing the influence of campaign money on state-level elections and public policy in all 50 states. The comprehensive and verifiable campaign-finance database and relevant issue analyses are available for free. The site aims to encourage transparency and promote independent investigations of state-level campaign contributions by journalists, academic researchers, public-interest groups, government agencies, policymakers, students and the public at large. This site can be searched by address, may be browsed by state, or use the advanced search to narrow the results by state(s), year(s), or economic interest. The blog, The Money Tale, also includes postings of interest and states it is Nonpartisan. Timely. Transparent.. The Institute receives its data in either electronic or paper files from the state disclosure agencies with which candidates must file their campaign finance reports. The Institute collects the information for all state-level candidates in the primary and general elections and then puts it into a database. Staff members verify that all candidates are represented and that their political party affiliations and win/loss statuses are correct. Researchers then standardize the contributor names and assign political donors an economic interest code, based either on the occupation and employer information contained in the disclosure reports or on information found through a variety of research resources. These codes are closely modeled on designations used by the federal government for classifying industry groups. Database can be searched for contributions by individuals, special interest groups, and business and industry groups. Government agencies within each state supply the data which is compiled by the nonpartisan Institute.
Search database:
Government Information: United States; American History; Law; Communication and Journalism; Political Science
Collection of sites that deal with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and documents. This includes government sites that receive and distribute FOIA documents as well as non-profit organizations and government watchdogs that request large numbers of FOIA documents on specific topics like national security and civil rights. . Part of the web archiving project at Stanford University (https://www.archive-it.org/home/SSRG)
Search database:
Communication and Journalism; Economics and Business; Technology; Government Information: International and Foreign; Government Information: United States
Online market research database covering the wireline, wireless, and broadband industries of over 155 countries. Includes detailed profiles for these countries, regarding background data, regulatory information, and market data. Also includes profiles of over 1200 national and over 65 multinational companies that operate in these countries.
Search database:
Statistical and Numeric Data; Communication and Journalism; Sociology
IPoll is a comprehensive, up-to-date source for US nationwide public opinion. A full-text retrieval system, the iPoll online database is organized at the question level, providing the tools to sift through nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys, 1935 to present. Surveys archived in the Roper Catalog were originally gathered by academic, commercial and media survey organizations such as Gallup Organization, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates, and many more.

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